“In a dark room, you move with tiny steps. You don’t run, but you do move,” as Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), describes the precarious monetary conditions in the Eurozone. A mistake, in my view, because if you’re unable to see, you inevitably get lost. Thus, if you grope in the dark, it would be wise to keep still and wait until some light enters the room or until your eyes become used to the dark.... »
ECB and Fed in Unison: Loose(r) Policy Here to Stay
April 24 2019
Silver production is stagnating causing higher shortages
April 18 2019
The production of the largest primary silver mine in the world fell by no less than 15% in the first quarter of 2019 compared to a year ago. At the same time, the price of the white metal isdown, with a price of around 15 dollars an ounce at the time of writing.
... »Gold Heads Lower While Yield Curve Inverts
April 3 2019
Since quite a while ago, I have been anticipating this remarkable moment. The – for me – most important economic warning sign has turned red: the yield curve inverted and, as a consequence, short-term interest rates in the U.S. are now higher than long-term rates. All the while gold prices... »
Fed Paves the Way for Worldwide Loose Monetary Policy
March 27 2019
I have often said that after a meeting of the ECB’s board or the Fed's interest rate committee (FOMC), one sentence that is barely noticed, turns out to be extremely important. Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Fed, among other things, disagrees with the idea that "we have reached the Fed's inflation target of 2 percent in any convincing way."... »