
'Black Monday' Marks the Start of a Second Asian Crisis — and More

September 1 2015

The days of the 'Great Sedation' appear to be numbered. Since 2011, stock prices have been pushed to record highs while volatility was at a record low. Stock market prices steadily increased, without any serious corrections. Up to last Monday at least, when a new 'Black Friday' hit the market. Stock prices crashed; China’s losses being the worst. Volatility went through the roof globally. What is going to happen next? And what will that mean for you?

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Olav Dirkmaat

The Myths & Realities of Gold and Inflation

August 24 2015

Gold investors are often labeled as doomsayers. In the past few years, gold was frequently recommended by investment gurus whom feared rampant inflation. Their predictions did not become reality, weakening the reputation of holding gold as an investment. Is that justified? Is gold really only a good investment when we are faced with an imminent economic collapse?

We will come to understand that the two most popular definitions of inflation are inadequate, leading to incorrect forecasts.


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Dion Reijnders

Gold and Real Interest Rates. Fact, Fiction, or a Half-truth?

August 17 2015

In many gold-related articles, the term real interest rate is often used; or in other words, the nominal interest rate corrected for inflation. It is often said that low real rates are favorable for the gold price, while high real interest rates are unfavorable. This is often supported with multiple

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Dion Reijnders

What We Have Learned from the Greek Sword of Damocles

August 10 2015

This week, the Greek stock market reopened after a five-week shutdown. Investors weren’t surprised by the heavy losses on the market that followed. But does that mean that investors have learn their lessons? Will they be able to anticipate at the next sovereign debt crisis in time? Probably not. History tends to repeat itself within  the financial markets. But which lessons can you draw from this Greek tragedy? How can you ensure that a looming crisis will not hang over your investments as a sword of Damocles? A renowned research report from the IMF will help us to find the right answers. In our journey, we will see that precious metals might be a valuable tool for diversification in times of financial repression. 

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Dion Reijnders

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